Perfect Smells on a Spring Night
Good enough is perfection. Or is perfection good enough? I often pursue perfection. And I am just as often disappointed. Is there a correlation? I believe in trying hard. Sometimes, I believe in trying hard more than the thing I am trying to do. Is trying hard a pursuit of perfection? If so, it is not good enough. I have rarely achieved perfection. A few times: my daughter, a backhoe, our house’s structured wiring, my company’s structured wiring, the flat bed deck on our golf cart, and a few other things. Perfection brings multiple dimensions of joy. How do you know its perfect? That joy continues forever – the definition of perfection.
So why not pursue that euphoria with everything? Remember the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murry so wants a relationship with Andie MacDowell. He nearly completes his perfection formula with a snowfight in the park followed by an entangled tumble in one another’s arms. But then something goes wrong. Next today, he tries to do EXACTLY the same thing. It doesn’t work again. Hmmm. Seems he was pursuing perfection. Eventually he stopped trying so hard. That did the trick. Good enough became perfection.
Perfection only happens once. It can’t be forced. Like riding an electric golf cart through a freshly bush hogged field of tall grass and brush on a moonlit Tuesday evening at 70 degrees. It only happens once.